Publishing a go module to

Publishing a basic go application to

Why is this useful for web development?

Memoization can be useful for web application development because webpages often depend on functions calls to be complete before completing the render of a page. If a function is expensive and gets called many times, often returning the same result, memoization may be able to help.

React Development

The React useMemo hook

ReactJS provides a hook for memoization, useMemo. Memoization for react webapps can be very useful, but there are a few important things to remember:

  • The function passed to useMemo will always run during rendering. Don’t do anything there that you wouldn’t normally do while rendering.
  • Write your code so that it still works without useMemo — and implement memoization, if needed, to optimize performance.
  • Profile the related component to ensure that memoization improves performance


The example below shows how to memoize an example function.

sudo snap install dealership-service_*.snap --devmode --dangerous
sudo snap remove woke

Use the snapcraft CLI to login to your Snapcraft account

  snapcraft login

Upload the snap file to your account. The command below includes the release definition(edge, stable, )

  snapcraft upload --release=edge dealership-service_*.snap
  snapcraft --debug
  snapcraft push dealership-service_0.2_amd64.snap
  systemctl list-units --type=service
  journalctl -u snap.dealership-service.dealership-service.service
  systemctl reset-failed
multipass list
multipass delete --purge snapcraft-instance-name
